if you drop a bomb on japan, ninjas will die
President Harry S. Truman made the decision to use the atomic bomb on Japan to end WW II
He stated the bomb was needed to end the war.
The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan ; another on Nagasaki, Japan, 3 days later.
Harry s. truman approved the dropping of an atomic bomb on japan.
Japan refused to surrender after the first atomic bomb.
if you drop a bomb on japan, ninjas will die
Japan was in total disaster after the atomic bombs and Japan had no remedy what so ever. They had to surrender.
y333 y333 homie swager
Harry Truman
President Harry S. Truman made the decision to use the atomic bomb on Japan to end WW II
He stated the bomb was needed to end the war.
Truman dropping an atomic bomb on Japan
Truman dropping an atomic bomb on Japan
they ate meow mix
they ate meow mix