

Who sent an email in 1976?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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7y ago

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Many people sent emails in 1976, but you are probably referring to Queen Elizabeth II as a famous person who sent their first e-mail in 1976.

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Q: Who sent an email in 1976?
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In what year did the queen of England send her first email?

Queen Elizabeth of England sent her first email in March of 1976. Her email address is a testament to her witty humor.

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Queen Elizabeth in 1976

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When you send an Email to somebody and you erase the Email from your inbox but you already sent the Email will that person still get the Email?

If you *sent* the email you would most likely find a *copy* of it it in your "sent mail" box. If you delete a message from your mailbox archive after you have sent it, the recipient will receive it anyway.

How would an message sent from your email get sent to other email address also?

It cannot only if the address was clicked or message was sent as a group. Person receiving the email can see the history of where it was sent though.

If someone sent me an email from yahoo will they know when i opened up the email they had sent me?

no, they don't have that information

Can you recall an email sent from a mac?

Unfortunately you cannot recall an email sent from a mac account, once you hit the send button the email is gone permanently to whomever it is sent to.

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have you clicked on the link in the email they have sent you? fjghdfjkndmfhvbjnvbhfjgbvjhdfufgvydfgfbh

How do you get a wee world email back?

Once an Email or IM has been sent, it cannot be retrieved. (but you can go to your "sent" to see what you sent.)

Why can't my Email be sent?

An email may not be able to be sent if the email address you are sending the email to does not exist. If the email address does exist, you may not have internet to be able to send the email, or the email address may not be spelled right.

What is the past perfect of send?

had sent They had sent the email yesterday.

How do you know when that a email is sent?

When it appears in the " sent items" if its not sent it will be in "outbox"