That depends which miners strike in history.
When it came to the Eureka Stockade, the Australian gold miners elected Peter Lalor as their leader.
The 1920 Alabama coal strike, or the Alabama Miners' Strike, was a statewide strike of the United Mine Workers of America against coal mine operators.
Several times... you have to be more specific
John Lewis
because she thought it was wrong of what were happening to the miners! so she led the strike.
It depends which strike you mean. In 1984 the strike started on the 12th March In 1972 the strike started on the 9th January
A lot but nobody knows the exact number.
Austin McCarthy has written: 'The Miners' Strike 1984-85'
They are many reason's for the strike but one of them is that the miners wanted to work overtime but Margret Thatcher would not pay them and she put a ban on overtime, so the NCB (National Coal Board) offered the miners a 5.2% increase in wages but the miners refused.
That depends which miners strike in history.
Margaret Thatcher had planned to close down several mines and decrease pay, leaving several miners out of a job in 1984, so they went on strike. Usually for better working conditions or to demand higher pay.
President Theodore Roosevelt's skills as a leader reflected brightly on the Square Deal and the handling with the miners' strike. Meaning that his skill was at a great level. No republican politician even dared challenge him for the election of 1904
Margaret Thatcher won the miners strike, Arthur Scargills attempt to bring down the government was a total disaster for the innocent miners he foolishly led in to the abyss .
the general strike happened because lots of miners were locked out and campaigned