Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Julius Caesar, but remember that he was assassinated by a few senators, not the entire senate.
Benjamin Kilster Blockess was killed by his own people.
Josef Stalin, Communist Dictator of the Soviet Union
The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.
Fabius was dictator appointed by the Roman Senate. He did not choose his own Master of the Horse, but instead had an enemy named Marcus Minucius appointed by the Romans.
he was a dictator. a very bad bad man. who got killed by his own people.
Benjamin Kilster Blockess was killed by his own people.
Josef Stalin, Communist Dictator of the Soviet Union
It steals it from the government. The dictator uses the people’s money for his own uses and makes money on deals that benefit him. He uses the resources of the nation for his own benefit.
they both have a leader and both are a type of government.
Umberto "Il Duce" Moussolini was the dictator of Italy. He and his girlfriend were killed and the hung upside down and beaten in a public square by Italian citizens.
Hosni Mubarak was a corrupt and harsh dictator, who killed thousands of innocent people and stole endlessly from his own country.
No part of the United States government is Roman. We have our own unique system of government. Although some concepts of our government may be loosely based on Roman concepts, our system of government is incomparable to any ancient form of rule.
The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.
The Roman Republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.
Nobody. That`s what makes him or her a dictator. A dictator will most likely have close advisers and consultants but they are of his or her own choosing.
You'd have to specify which dictator you had in mind in order for this question to be answered.
Fabius was dictator appointed by the Roman Senate. He did not choose his own Master of the Horse, but instead had an enemy named Marcus Minucius appointed by the Romans.