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Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

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Pompey was the general who conquered most of the Mideast for Rome. Judea was an independent kingdom with strong ties to Rome and became a client kingdom until taken over completely during the reign of Augustus.

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Q: Who was the roman general who concured judea?
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How did Judea lose its independence to Roman rule?

Judea was conquered by the Roman general Pompey in the 60's BC.

What is the name of the roman general who conquered Israel in 63 BC?

Pompey the Great did not conquer Judea. He was called to arbitrate in a dispute between two pretenders of the Judean thone. He decided in favour of one of the two contenders and Judea became a client kingdom. Judea was not annexed into the Roman territories and it remained an autonomous state. Judea was annexed to the Roman Empire in 10 AD by Augustus.

What religion began in a roman province?

AnswerChristianity is believed to have started in Galilee and Judea.

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Judea came under roman rule under Nero who was quick to conquer but not govern. He gave immunity to the soldiers of his Judean outpost. The people of Judea were mistreated by roman soldiers and forced to feed them despite a shortage of supplies until a rebel uprising killed the soldiers. In response to this uprising Nero dispatched the roman general Vespasian to qual the uprising.

Was King herod a governor of judea?

King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.

Was Syria a part of the Roman empire?

Syria became a province of the Roman empire in approximately 64 BC. The general, Pompey conqured this area, then south of Mesopotamia and north of Judea.

What religion began in the Roman province of Judea?


Who was the Roman governor of Judea before Festus?


What is the name of Roman province that Jesus was born in?


Was galilee part of the roman empire?

Yes, Galilee was an area in the Roman province of Judea.

Where did Christianity origlnate?

In the Roman Empire. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea (a Roman protectorate)

What is a Roman official who directed the Roman province of Judea?

Herod was a king of Judea. The Roman official who directed the province of Judea would have to have been a governor as only governors were in charge of provinces. But remember that for much of its time, Judea was not a separate province but was considered a part of Syria and the governor of Syria would direct the affairs there by sending his surrogates to administer the area.