Earl, Mary, and Patience she adopted Susanna
a bio about deborah sampson
Deborah's death is not described in the Bible.
Deborah sampson wanted freedom
I only know one person that was influential to Deborah Sampson and that was Miss.Fuller. She was the only women to be nice to Deborah. I knew that because I have to do a report on Deborah Sampson.
Deborah Bradford Sampson
Paul Revere
December 17, 1760
Earl, Mary, and Patience she adopted Susanna
John the 2nd, Sylvia, Hannah, Elisha, and Nenemiah
Deborah Sampson died in the battle field because she got shot then the doctor found out she was a female but she had already past away
Because they were poor and her mother became very ill.
First you will need a tricorn hat then you go onto Google and look up images of deborah sampson it shows a big dress that she wore you can look up dresses like deborah sampsons dress or you can look up costumes for deborah sampson on amazon and i soldier boy will apear that is another idea!
December 17 1760she was born in Massachusetts in December 17, 1760 and she was the oldest of three daughters
Deborah Sampson feared that she would be identified as a woman during the war. When she got shot in the thigh, she even took the bullet out of her leg herself so her gender wouldn't be discovered by the doctor.
Her name is Lesley
Plympton, Massachusetts Deborah Sampson was born on 17 December 1760 and she died aged 66 in Sharon, Massachusetts on 29 April 1827.