well there was 12 main gods and goddesses (the Olympians) they were
Zeus- god of the sky / king of the gods
Hera- goddess of marriage / queen of the gods
Poseidon- god of the sea / god of earthquakes
Aphrodite- goddess of love / goddess of beauty
Hephaestus- god of the forge / god of fire
Athena- goddess of wisdom / goddess of strategy
Ares- God of War / god of blood thirst
Hermes- god of travelers / god of thieves
Artemis- goddess of the hunt / goddess of virginity
Apollo- god of music / god of poetry
Hades- god of the Underworld
Demeter- goddess of fertility / goddess of crops
I am not sure that Ancient Greek Gods actually started any wars, but it has to be pointed out that states would not go into war without the consultation of an oracle to see if they have the support of the Gods (to win the wars, as the Gods were responsible for everthying)
they are not the same. I guess the only thing that they have in common is the fact that they are both gods.
the Egyptian gods had the heads of animal;the greek gods looked like humans.
The Greek Gods lived on Mount Olympus
Yes. Many people believe in Greek Gods/Goddesses. I believe in them.
Greek gods
Hephaestus was the Greek god of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship. He was responsible for creating weapons, armor, and other metal objects for the gods and heroes of Greek mythology.
I am not sure that Ancient Greek Gods actually started any wars, but it has to be pointed out that states would not go into war without the consultation of an oracle to see if they have the support of the Gods (to win the wars, as the Gods were responsible for everthying)
No, the Greek gods are myth.
Gods from Greek Mythology:AphroditeApolloArtemisAthenaDionysusHeraHermesPoseidonZeus
Yes, the Greek gods are immortal.
Zeus is the king of the gods in Greek mythology and his duty is to maintain order and justice among the gods and mortals. He is also responsible for controlling the weather and protecting his fellow deities.
Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of love and beauty (Venus in Roman Mythology). She is responsible for helping mortals and immortals (gods and goddess') fall in love. In mythology, she is responsible for the Trojan War and for creating the Minotaur.
greek people adored the gods and they say that depending on how much they adore them the gods helped them.
Zeus was the ruler of the Greek Gods and Kronos was the ruler of the Titans.
Eros was the Greek god of love, desire, and attraction. He was responsible for inciting the feelings of love and passion in both gods and mortals.
Greek gods