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they didn't want the bigger states to have all the power

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Q: Why did 4 small states ratify the new constitution quickly?
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How did it satisfy small states?

The Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution.

What was added to the constitution to prevent tyranny?

the 3 braches big states vs. small states

Some small states without western land claims would not ratify the articles of confederation until all states gave up their claims to western lands?


What is unique about rhode island?

Rhode Island did not provide representation to assist in framing that document. They sat out the Constitutional Convention in protest insisting that a Bill of Rights and some form of protection for small states had to be included before they would be a party to the proposed Constitution. They got their way with a bi-cameral Legislature where the small states were equals in the upper house and assurances that a Bill of Rights was to be added to the Constitution. They ratified the US Constitution and joined the United States on 29 May 1790.

Why did the writers of the constitution change the amount of voting power for small and large states?

Many small states felt like they did not have much power when voting, so they demanded something called the New Jersey Plan. This said that states should have an equal amount of votes as the larger states. This favored smaller states with lower populations. Coincidentally, New Jersey is a small state. Next, the larger states liked their power since most of them had larger populations. Due to this, they wanted the Virginia Plan. This based number of votes on population. To make a compromise, the writers of the Constitution made two chambers of Congress. One chamber had the number of votes based on population, while the other chamber had an equal amount of votes for all states. We know these chambers as the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Related questions

How did the final decision on representation in the Senate convince many small states to ratify the constitution?

Because the small states believed in the bill of rights which was stated in it

How did it satisfy small states?

The Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution.

What was added to the constitution to prevent tyranny?

the 3 braches big states vs. small states

Some small states without western land claims would not ratify the articles of confederation until all states gave up their claims to western lands?


Why do you think several states took so long to ratify the nineteenth amendment?

Because they wanted the Bill of Rights to be added because most were small states and wanted to know their rights.

What did the large states and small states in the crafting of the constitution center on?

The conflict centered on how best to represent the interests of the people and the states in the legislature.

What plan was suported by the small states in the great constitution?

the new jersey plan this is because they wanted the states to be equal

Who did the Anti-Federalists believe were most represented in the Constitution?

Anti-Federalists believed the constitution represented small states over all.

What was the fear of the small states as the Constitution was being written?

The fear was that the large states would overpower if they got representation by population.

What issue were large and small states arguing about at the constitution convention small answer please?

Political power. Large population states threatened to overwhelm the voices of the small population states. In addition, if you expand the definition of "large vs small," the economically larger states threaten the economically less wealthy states.

What does 'we the people' mean in the constitution?

what does "we the people" mean in the constitution? A/ The power of government comes from the people. It's slightly ironic because some people were actually really angry about it being we the people rather than we the states, like in the articles of confederation (the failed government in the US after the British but before the constitution)

What is unique about rhode island?

Rhode Island did not provide representation to assist in framing that document. They sat out the Constitutional Convention in protest insisting that a Bill of Rights and some form of protection for small states had to be included before they would be a party to the proposed Constitution. They got their way with a bi-cameral Legislature where the small states were equals in the upper house and assurances that a Bill of Rights was to be added to the Constitution. They ratified the US Constitution and joined the United States on 29 May 1790.