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Peasants rose up against their lords in parts of the central ans southern German states. They demanded the return of rights that the lords had usurped.

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Q: Why did German peasant revolt in 1534?
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In what year did the Peasants' Revolt begin?

The Peasant's Revolt began in 1381.

Who started the peasants revolt?

Wat Tyler started the peasant revolt in 1381.

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Did Martin Luther support the peasants in the 1524-26 Peasants War?

Martin Luther did not support the Peasant's Revolt of 1524. He never took part in the revolt and he encouranged peasants to obey their lords and nobles. The reason nobles and landlords frowned upon Martin Luther was the fact that he started the Reformation Era, one of the causes sparking the boldness in peasants to start Peasant's Revolt.

Who was the at the time of the peasant revolt?

Sir William Walworth.

Where did the peasant's revolt of 1381 start?

London, England.

What countries had peasant revolts in the 14th century?

1358 - The Jacquerie, France 1381 - The English Peasant Revolt

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What are some quotes from the peasant's revolt?

bla bla bla