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if men were fighting in the war, and the women had the kids at home, everyone would do chores. so when the mom and father were gone in the war nothing at home would get done so women would have to stay at home and cook, clean.... etc

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Q: Why did men not want women to fight in revolutionary war?
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How did women act during the revolutionary war?

no women didn't fight in the revolutionary war. Correction: women did fight in the revolutionary war just not as women, a few women dressed as men and enlisted or took the place of their husbands after they died.

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Because women fight for what they want but overlook the needs and rights of men.

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yes many women dressed up as men inthe revolutionary war

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No,we decided to help them fight because they were our allies.

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men want to be women

Why would women want to fight in the war?

so they can prove to men that women can do things just as well as men can do also it helps them be more succsessful in life.

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so they can prove to men that women can do things just as well as men can do also it helps them be more succsessful in life.

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Men who want to be women may believe they were meant to be women.

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No, but they expected the men to fight.

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because ey wanted to prove that they could fight just as hard as men/boys There were many reasons, among them nurses, prostitution.

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sixty percent of women want their men to do all of the women chores for the.....

Did men want women to fight in world war 2?

Remember: it is almost impossible for there to be a majority opinion. It varies by man to man.