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They were happy to be there and had survived the trip getting there.

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Q: Why did some immigrants kiss the ground when they arrived on Ellis Island?
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Related questions

From the 1850s to 1950's most immigrants entering the US arrived at?

Ellis Island was the point where immigrants arrived to be processed into the United States.

What do most immigrants ride to get to Ellis island?

In the early 20th Century, immigrants were "processed" at Ellis Island in the port of New York City. They arrived in passenger & cargo ships.

Name the place where immigrants stopped when they arrived to America?

Ellis island from Europe and Angel Island from Asia.

How many immigrants arrived in 1900 in Ellis Island?

14 million, most of which were European

Where did Many immigrants from 1896 to 1924 arrived in the US at?

Ellis Island in New York Harbor and Angel Island in San Fransisco bay

How did immigrant get to Ellis Island?

Immigrants got to Ellis island by boat

Where did Ellis Island immigrants stay?

The immigrants slept on the ship in Ellis Island.

Was it possible for immigrants to see the Statue of Liberty?

If the immigrant arrived at Ellis Island, they certainly could. The Statue is about 1/2 mile from Ellis Island. And not all immigrants came to Ellis Island- My wife came to Dulles Airport in Northern VA. :}

How are immigrants' experiences different at Ellis Island than Angel Island?

The immigrants who landed at Ellis Island near New York were processed much quicker than immigrants who landed at Angel Island near San Francisco. Angel Island immigrants were held to higher standards than those of Ellis Island.

Quotes from immigrants entering Ellis Island?

ellis island

How did Germans of immigrants travel to the United states?

Most German immigrants to the United States arrived in the United State in large ships that arrived in ports of immigration like New York's Ellis Island.

What was on Ellis Island?
