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Americans used guerrilla warfare tactics to drive the British to the coast. The french, although late, prevented the British from retreating to sea, so the British had no choice but to surrender.

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Q: Why did the Americans defeat the British in the American Revolution?
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Why did the Americans defeat the british in the revolution?

because of taxes

Why did Americans defeat the British in the Revolution?

because of taxes

How were the American colonies able to defeat the superior forces of the British during the American revolution?

The Americans were fighting for a cause and because they used guerrilla warfare.

What battle is considered to be the worst defeat in the American Revolution?

After the British seiged the American's fort in Charlestown, the Americans had lost 10,000 men due to an unconditional surrender.

In the American Revolution France gave money and military support to the what?

During the American Revolution, France supplied the new American government with money (gold and French Francs), soldiers, and the French Navy. After the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga, the French realized the American colonists could defeat the British regulars, and that helping the Americans would potentially weaken their hated British rivals.

How were the native Americans able to defeat the American troops?

they had arms and ammunition by the british

What American Revolution word begins with the letter z?

The Zweibrucken Regiment was a regiment of Germans that fought in the French Army during the American Revolutionary War. They helped the Americans defeat the British at the battle of Yorktown.

Why was the defeat at Charles Town the worst American defeat of the American revolution?

the reason why it was the worst defeat for the Americans was because they lost almost their entire southern army (around 5,000 i believe).

1774 what did Patrick Henry say about being an American?

He wanted to rally up colonists against the British

What was the significance of Valley Forge in the Amercian Revolution?

It marked the American defeat, and the French was a big part in this defeat. When they captured the British in the Atlanic Ocean

What was the overall british plan to defeat the Americans in 1777?

The British plan for victory was to quell the rebellion, because that is all they saw the American Revolution as.

What role did the European powers play in the American victory did they gain anything?

The french in the American revolution gave supplies to the Americans from 1776 to 1778, and when war was officially declared on Britain by the Americans the french dedicated some of their troops, and naval fleets to helping the Americans defeat the british...hope i helped you =P