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To get food and money but instead they got enslaved later during their years there

- written by singergurl1

To get food and money but instead they got enslaved later during their years there

- written by singergurl1

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Q: Why did the Israelites move from Mesopotamia to Canaan?
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Where did the Israelites move to when a long drought began in Canaan?

a long drought began in canaan , so the Israelites had to move to where to survive

Who led the Israelites to Mesopotamia to Canaan?

because they wanted to be in AA south warden life

Where did the Israelites move because of the drought?

The Israelites moved to Egypt because of the drought in Canaan.

Where did the israelites move to because of the drought in canaan?

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How far is it from Canaan to Mesopotamia?

How far is it Canaan to MESOPOTAMIA

Why did the Hebrews move from Egypt to Canaan?

The Israelites returned from Egypt to Canaan because God told them to (Exodus ch.3).

Who led the Hebrews Israelites to the invasion of Canaan is named?

Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan.

Why were the people in Canaan not farmers like they were in Mesopotamia and Egypt?

Wrong. Both the Canaanites and the Israelites were farmers. Not the entire population, but enough of them to keep the arable areas cultivated.

What did the israelites have to do because they left canaan?

The Israelite s left Egypt for Canaan.

How many years did it take israelites to reach canaan?

In The Bible, the Israelites wandered for forty years before they entered Canaan.In history, on the other hand, there was no Exodus from Egypt and no militiary conquest of Canaan as described in the Bible. The Israelites did not travel from Egypt to Canaan.

Why did the israelites origanally leave canaan?


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