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Q: Why were the republican war hawks so willing to go to war against the British?
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Republican hawks called for in Vietnam.?

The Republican "hawks" wanted total war in Vietnam.

What were congressmen who supported war with England in 1812 called?

Known as "War Hawks" they were a group of Republican Congressmen who demanded the United States declare war against Great Britain, invade British Canada, and expel the Spanish from Florida.

What was the name of the group of republican congressmen who favored war with Britain?

They were called the hawks, while those against war were the doves.

Republican "hawks"called for in vietnam?

Hawks (Republican) called for “Total war” (apex) while the Doves called for “peace with honor”

Did the war hawks want to side with native Americans against British?

I think it is no. But i'm not sure.

Were hawks against war?

Hawks or "war hawks" are usually for going to war.

Why were they called war hawks?

War Hawks only focused on war. They even pressured the president to declare war against Britan.

Who did the Republican Hawks call for in the Viet Nam War?

total war

What were war hawks objection to the republican administraion?

total war on your mom

How did the war Hawks influence the Republican Party after the war?

by sucking my dick

Who were the government officials who desired for the U.S. to go to war against the british leading to the war of 1812?

"war-hawks"; members of the Twelfth Congress

Why were the war Hawks eader to go to war against Great Britain?

They were angry at British impressment of American seamen,and support of Indian attacks against Americans,and wanted to conquer canada.