Because the formulas and repitions were descrbing th arrival, greeting of guests, eating of the meals and the taking of the baths.. The formulas also gave an advantage, they gave the singerand the audience some breathing time....
hope this helps! :)
got this from:
Elements of Literature(HOLT) An Introduction to The Odyssey
All plants to a certain degree contain salt. This is because salt is everywhere in any given environment in North America.
One Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster indicates second award of a certain military award. Some duplicate awards contain bronze service stars.
A cellphone always contain a small CPU
The Phoenician alphabet did not contain vowels.
A set is a number of repetitions of the same exercise that can be completed before reaching the point of fatigue. For example, a set of dumbbell curls could contain 6-20 repetitions, depending on the weight lifted and fitness goal targeted.
They contain a lot of numbers. They also contain a lot of formulas.
The description box on YouTube is under the video. The description may contain lyrics or information about the video and artist.
You use formulas for calculations. Those formulas may contain functions, though not always.
Description of the RTP connection
A base contain the anion (OH)- and an acid contain the cation H+.
Yes. Some examples of formulas that contain pi (∏) are: (area of a circle) = ∏r2 (Circumfrance of a circle) = ∏d
Yes, a cell in a spreadsheet can contain any of text, numbers or formulas, and also things like dates and logical data.
Yes, formulas are entered into cells in a spreadsheet.