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To commit genocide.

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Q: Why did they build concentration camp and death camp?
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What concentration camp was Eva galler in?

She never went to a concentration camp, She escaped the death train and her death.

When were Auschwitz concentration camp build?


What was the name for concentration camp?

It is also called a death camp.

What did death marches do to the Jews?

Death marches transported Jews from concentration camp to concentration camp as the Allies neared.

When was Auschwitz build?

the concentration camp was built in 1940.

What were death camps in Germany called?

Concentration camps :)

What kind of camp was Bergen-Belsen?

Bergen-Belsen was a concentration camp. It was NOT a death camp.

Was jeannine burk ever put into a concentration camp?

No, Jeannine Burks was never put in a concentration camp but her dad was sent to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and he was exterminated and gassed to death

Was Auschwitz a camp?

yess it was a concentration camp but also a part of it was called Birkenau and Birkenau was a death camp

When was Auschwitz death camp built?

Mainly in 1942, it was an extension to the existing concentration camp.

How did corrie's sister die in the concentration camp?

She was sick to death.

What caused Petronella van daans death?

Concentration Camp.