When, the beginning of the war? or during the Battle of the Bulge?
Beginning of the War
there was no buildup, the German army charged through the Ardennes and through french lines and captured Paris in a relatively short time. this tactic was called blitzkrieg.
In December 1944 one American intelligence officer, a colonel, did notice things and suspected a German buildup for an attack. He could get no one to listen to him until it was too late.
The Germans were very careful to hide their preparations. They moved only at night, and stayed well under cover during daylight hours, to remain hidden from Allied reconnaissance aircraft. Still it was impossible to conceal the trails of tracks left by the treads of the numerous tanks being moved forward. Certain German units disappeared from the line opposite Allied positions, being moved to take part in the attack. It was this sort of thing the colonel noticed. But there was nothing substantial to point to. Intelligence officers were supposed to take such information and connect the dots and offer their assessments to commanders, which was exactly what the colonel did. But he was ignored by the commander of the US 1st Army, and the commander of the 12th Army Group. Eisenhower probably did not know of the colonel's assessment, but Eisenhower shared with his subordinates a belief that the Germans were finished, and had no strength left to make any attacks.
It is when you are called by the German soldiers and you have to go to see them and if you were Jewish they would kill you or send you to a concentration camp. Many of these people that were called up were never seen again.
The past tense of notice is noticed. It's a regular verb.
AnswerErwin Rommel was known as the Desert Fox. He earned this title, during the African Campaign, by continously defeating the allies time and again. Its very important to understand that during the later stages of the African Campaign, Hitler had stopped supplying Rommel, because of the STalingrad/Eastern Front Situation. Hitler chose to abandon the Africa Korps and left it to fight with no supplies. Rommel chose to stay on the offensive and used captured Allied Supplies(fuel, rations, trucks, artillary, tanks, logistics, etc...) to keep the Afrika Corps going. If you look at photos of Afrika Korps troops in the later stages of the campaign, you notice they're wearing captured English uniforms with German Insignia. Erwin Rommels success, even when abandoned by Hitler, gave the German People a much needed victory during the setbacks on the Eastern Front. I further believe that Field Marshall Rommel, if given sole command of Western Europe, could and would have defeated the allied landing in Normandy. He understood the allied airpower capabilities, from his experience in Africa, and would have staged the German Armour closer to the beaches, and the results would have been different. Runstedt didn't understand the Allied Air threat.General Erwin Rommel.A brilliant military strategist who became famous for leading German troops in Africa during World War II
black out curtains were to insure wwll families safety in case of an air raid- in case German or Japanese armies would bomb towns. they would hide together after closing the curtains to hide until further notice. usually practices, like fire drills, were preformed in schools.
The location of German in EU affords the facility of traveling to other countries at less travelling costs. Jobs are normally available. Now there are restriction for non EU members but previously it was possible. The conclusion from interviews from few people indicate some of the other advantages. Germany respects the workforce as honorable citizen posting a notice even at the doors of illegal immigrants to appear at the court. Germany has very good education system though language is a problem. They give jobs and German wives are very good wives. Many German friends from telecoms firms and few class fellows were quite diplomatic.
Dangerous weather is approaching.
haben Sie das Notebook bemerkt, dass Sie in Südafrika links is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.
about the Hindu culture
There are no German friendly borders in fact there are few borders today in Europe since the EU was established. When you cross over from Germany into a neighbor country you really don't notice it.
The best way to clean and prevent brown gunk buildup in your dog's ears is to regularly clean them with a veterinarian-approved ear cleaning solution and cotton balls. Avoid using cotton swabs or pushing too deep into the ear canal. Additionally, keeping your dog's ears dry and free of excess moisture can help prevent buildup. If you notice excessive gunk or signs of infection, consult your veterinarian for proper treatment.
The crew inside probably wouldn't even notice the hit.
Either they were in denial and refused to acknowledge that it was happening, or they secretly condoned it.
notice (in the sense of an announcement - noun) - (die) Bekanntmachung.notice (to pay attention to - verb) - achten auf + acc. , beachtennotice (in the sense of come to someone's attention - verb) - auffallen + dat. as in Das ist mir auch aufgefallen
Brown ear wax in dogs can be caused by a buildup of dirt, debris, or ear infections. It is important to regularly clean your dog's ears and consult a veterinarian if you notice any changes in the color or consistency of their ear wax.
In Hebrew, it's "LIE-lah TOV". In Yiddish, it's "goot NACHT". (You might notice that that's straight from German.)
becuase hitler was a vary sneaky man and no one really noticed him...... i think
They sent a video or showed the videos to the Americans showing that they were playing sports and having fun.