They do cheap labor because they are unaware of the current currency conversion with their own money and US money. In their minds they think they may be getting more than they actually are.
Because they were cheap labor (it was closer to indentured servitude than wage-labor)
They provided cheap labor for the growing number of factories.
from northern europe-apex
In the late 1800s, many immigrants came from southeastern Europe in search of jobs in America. While they provided work, they were also controlled by mob bosses who provided them with shelter. So, Americans liked immigrants for cheap labor but disliked that they supported the mob and did not assimilate to American customs.
Because they were cheap labor (it was closer to indentured servitude than wage-labor)
They provided cheap labor for the growing number of factories.
They provided cheap labor for the growing number of factories.
Millions of people come to this country because America is addicted to cheap labor.
from northern europe-apex
The north was urbanized, the South was agrigarian, consequently the thinking of the two sections were vastly different. The influx of immigrants to the north greatly influenced their need for cheap labor (which the slave was not, actually). The Irish I Migrants, etc filled the labor force needs, but not the need for the money made by shipping slaves. The cheap labor from immigrants and the weather conditions made the urbanization of the north more conducive
the movement of immigrants related to industrialization, because the immigrants allowed the monopolies to have cheap labor. So, they had a larger quantity of workers with a lower pay salary. Also, with more workers the industries could manufacture and produce more materials and sell them at different prices
It allowed for the creation of the country. In the 1900's, it provided the country with a larger workforce, cheap labor, and helped strengthen the Democratic base.
A quick answer would be to point out two main things: 1) immigrants helped to rapidly expand the country by providing a source of cheap labor or by having large amounts of skill or wealth; 2) immigrants generally faced large amounts of discrimination from regular American citizens who were distrustful of their purposes. While laws and attitudes have change a lot in 130 years, immigration provided cheap labor for manufacturing during the industrial revolution and now does for the service industry, which enhances the American economy (and thus improves the lives of all citizens) by lowering the costs of goods everyone buys. Some Americans were resentful that immigrants took factory jobs and service jobs in the large cities. Some felt that immigrants caused unemployment. Because immigrants often do not complain about labor conditions, union workers sometimes felt that immigrants were union-busters.
Immigrants contributed greatly to organized labor. Organized labor contributes to price controls
Slavery was introduced to provide a cheap labor force.