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A really common stereotype is that all African Americans are descendants of early American slaves. Another common stereotype is that African Americans are one basic race. Neither of these stereotyps are necessarily true.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Stereotypes are widely held, but overly simplified common beliefs. There is usually very little basis or truth to the stereotype, but they often prevail through generations anyway. Stereotypes are often used as an excuse to hold hard feelings against a group, or to repress and belittle them. Blacks are not the only group that are victims to stereotypes. Realizing that stereotypes do not actually represent entire groups of people helps you to get to know people for their individual attributes.

Some stereotypes that different groups suffer:

Teenage girls all sit on their cell phones doing nothing but talking about boys.

Young white females cannot make it through a day without yoga pants and a latte.

Women need to have children to be complete.

Native Americans are usually alcoholics.

Spanish men are all romantic and promiscuous.

Asians are all good at math.

Lower income people are usually dirty and illiterate.

Some examples of stereotypes against blacks are:


Late all the time



Smoke menthol Newports/Weed

Fried Chicken Lovers


Welfare Recipients

Multiple Baby Mammas or Daddies

Drug users/ distributors

Don't want to work

No car

Always living with someone

All like Barack Obama

Hate White People


Users of most all things esp. government

Always expecting something for nothing





Big Lips



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15y ago

I hate stereotypes but some common ones for African American people are: gangsta like, not fussy and sloppy less educated, ignorant

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14y ago

If you don't know any, then you're better off not knowing any. Stereotypes I mean.

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A stereotype is saying black people love to eat fried chicken, watermelon and drink grape sodas.

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There would be less ways to stereotype black people.

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the stereotype for emo people is wearing all black not all emo people do though but a lot do

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Because of the negative stereotype people so readily believe when wanting to feel more full of worth than someone who is black.

Where did the black stereotype for fried chicken come from?

I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that fried chicken is cheap and back in the day all black people in America were poor.

Where did the Black people love KFC stereotype come from?

The stereotype likely originated from targeted marketing by KFC towards African American communities in the past. Additionally, cultural influences and popular media may have reinforced this stereotype over time. It is important to recognize that stereotypes are harmful and not representative of an entire group of people.

What percentage of people in the US stereotype or generalize?

All Americans always stereotype!

Why do black girls hate nice black males?

It has always been a stereotype that black people are mean, rude or gangster so some black females want to find a black male that is what they consider as gangster, which means they can be mean.

Why do black girls have bigger butts than white woman?

Well, that's a stereotype, I'm black and have no butt. People call me pancake butt! Lol, most black people eat "soul food". Maybe its because I don't.

Is it stereotypical for a black person to eat chicken?

Yes, that is a stereotype.