The Pilgrims were Christians who celebrated Thanksgiving in November to give thanks to G-D for the harvest they had, and all the food they gathered which would feed them through the winter and into next year, when their next harvest was.
The Mayflower was used to get the pilgrims to America. If you heard of Christopher Columbus then you heard of pilgrims and if you heard of pilgrims you heard of the Mayflower.
Pilgrims did it Pilgrims did it Pilgrims did it
The indians hunt the food and the pilgrims cook and feed the food to the pilgrims and the indians.
in honnor of the soldiers from australia and new zeland who lost their lives fighting for our country!
Christmas Eve is on 24th December, 25th and 26th are Christmas Days.
people in Egypt celerate cristmas on January 7th but i can last for 40 days straight.
The Pfaltzgraff Winter Berry is designed for Christmas but can be used anytime you want to use.
the governor of the pilgrims the governor of the pilgrims
what continent did the Pilgrims leave from?what continent did the Pilgrims leave from?
We don't have pilgrims these days.
The Mayflower was used to get the pilgrims to America. If you heard of Christopher Columbus then you heard of pilgrims and if you heard of pilgrims you heard of the Mayflower.
Pilgrims did it Pilgrims did it Pilgrims did it
Pilgrims from England.