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meteroits kept hitting it so it kinda tilted.

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Q: Why is the axis of Uranus tilted?
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What plant has a titled axis?

The planet Uranus has a tilted axis

How tilted is Uranus axis?

all the way

Which planet's axis is tilted the farthest?

Uranus -- 97.8 degrees

Does Uranus have a tilted axis?

Yes, Uranus has a tilted axis that is nearly perpendicular to its orbital plane. This axial tilt is around 98 degrees, causing extreme seasonal variations on the planet.

Which planet has its axis of rotation tilted completely on its side?

Well first of all, since the planets are almost perfect spheres, they have no 'sides'.You're probably thinking of Uranus, whose axis of rotation is tilted of 97.77°, andso is approximately parallel with the plane of the Solar System.

What planet is tilted on its axis the more than any other planets?

Uranus is the planet that is tilted on its axis more than any other planet in our solar system. Its axis is tilted at an angle of about 98 degrees, causing it to essentially roll on its side as it orbits the Sun.

Which planet is tilted on its axis to almost 90 degrees angle?


Which gas giant spins on it side?

that is Uranus who's axis is tilted so it spins on it's side.

What planet has a tilted axis?

All planets have tilted axes. But the axis of Uranus is tilted almost by 90 degrees with the plane of its orbit making it look like it is rotating vertically. See related link for a pictorial representation

Which planet's axis is tilted almost 90 degrees to its orbital plain?


When viewed from earth how does uranus apppear to rotate?

Answer this question… Uranus's axis of rotation is tilted at about 98 degrees from the perpendicular to its orbital plane. This means its axis is roughly in the plane of.

Is Jupiter tilted more on its axis than any other planet?

No. That would be Uranus.