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At the end of World War II, the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union decided that the Soviet Union would invade the Japanese held territories of mainland Asia south to the 38th Parallel and the United States would invade north to the same point. In 1948,with a failure to unite the two areas, elections were held and the new South Korea came under the power of Syngman Rhee. Kim Il-sung took power in North Korea.

On June 25 June, 1950, communist North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel into democratic South Korea.

The 38th parallel, as the pre-war boundary between the countries, became the focal point for negotiations of a cease fire.

There has been no peace treaty, only a cease fire. The 38th parallel continues to be the most highly defended border in the world across the 3 mile wide Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).

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16y ago
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15y ago

The 38th parallel is actually one of the imaginary (I can't remember if it's longitude or latitude) lines that divide the earth. In the Korean War, the war stalled out around the 38th parallel and so the peace treaty ending the war put the borders between North and South Korea roughly along that line.

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11y ago

It initially symbolised mutual peace between the two Korean nations, but later acted like a frontier as demilitarized zones were set up around the line.

The USA and Soviet Union gained the Korean nations as trusteeship territories and believed or made believe (that's debatable) that one nation could be made but of course fighting had to be stopped first. So while some historians consider the 38th N. as one of the main catalysts of the division between North and South Korea, others argue that it had only a symbolic function.

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12y ago

the 38th parallel represented the border between the North and South Korea A+

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10y ago

Japan controlled Korea from 1910 to the end of World War 2. After the war, the Allies divided Korea at the 38th parallel. In short: Cutting up Korea.

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7y ago

None, the 38th Parallel was ignored throughout the war.


The 38th parallel was before the war, and currently is, the dividing line between North and South Korea.

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7y ago

38th parallel devided north from south korea.

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Q: What was the significance of the 38th parallel before the Korean War?
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How was the significance of the 38 parallel before and after the Korean war?

There was no significance. The 38th Parallel was ignored through out the war.

What is the significance of the 38 parallel?

The 38th parallel was the boundary between the northern and southern halves of the Korean peninsula between World War 2 and the Korean War. After the Korean War the border between North Korea and South Korea did not change much and therefore is still sometimes referred to as the 38th parallel, though it is not along the actual 38th parallel north as it used to be.

Where is the Korean peninsula divided?

At the 38th Parallel

What is the dimilitarized in the Korean War?

38th parallel

What was the divider in the Korean War?

The 38th Parallel.

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Korea was divided by the 38th parallel in the year 1945.

What divided line North Korean and south Korean?

The 38th Parallel

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38th parallel

The 38th parallel is associated with what war?

The Korean War. The 38th parallel is also associated with World War 2. At the Potsdam Conference the US and the Soviet Union agreed that each would invade the Korean Peninsula to defeat the Japanese there. The Soviet Union was to attack from the North and the US from the south. They would both stop at the 38th parallel.

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July 1953 was when the armistance that 'ended' the Korean war was signed and the 38th parallel was established as a boundary.

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The 38th Parallel. Rather close to the South Korean city of Janggok

What is the term for the geographical dividing line North South Korea?

DMZ. It was 38th parallel before the Korean War