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Miracle- Stories of the birth of Christ

Mystery (or passion plays)- Stories of Christ's life, death, and resurrection

Morality- Plays with characters that embody certain qualities, teaching a lifestyle

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Q: 3 types of cycle plays during middle age?
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Why did the medieval drama decline?

Medieval theater included types of play that were intended to instruct people religiously. These included Morality plays, Miracle plays, and Mystery plays. As the Middle Ages came to an end, these types of plays were targeted by people opposed to the influence of the Roman Catholic Church as too Catholic, and they were mostly banned by the Catholic Church because they did not really represent it, but gave Protestants things to complain about. One type of medieval theater that survived was Mummings, which most religious people opposed for the entire Middle Ages, but were too much fun to be suppressed everywhere. They are still done today. Another type of medieval theater that survived and evolved was Manners plays, who were not religious in nature and were only suppressed from time to time as being too worldly or, during times of contagion, too attractive to crowds of people who might spread disease.

What were the two most popular types of drama performed during the medieval period?

If we are to divide medieval drama into two types, I think they would have to be religious and secular. Medieval drama is usually divided into five types. Three of these, Miracle plays, Morality Plays, and Mystery plays, dealt with religious issues, and two, Mummings and Manners plays, were secular. Please use the link below for more information.

Why were plays important during the Middle Ages?

From a highly simplistic point of view, the purpose of medieval theater was to instruct people on the bible and Christian morality.Actually, however, there was no one purpose for medieval theater. The Middle Ages lasted a thousand years, and involved every culture in Europe, and not all places and times were the same. Byzantine theater was different from what was happening in France or England, and theater of the Early Middle Ages was different from what was happening later on.As an example, early medieval Byzantine theater is believed to have had a large amount of sexual content, and when Justinian I married, two years before he became emperor, there was a fair amount of outrage, because his wife, Theodora, was an actress, and this was regarded as equivalent to her being a prostitute.Even if we confine our interest to the West, there was lack of uniformity of purpose in theater. There are five major types of medieval plays, and three of them oriented toward spiritual values were Morality Plays, Miracle Plays, and Mystery Plays. Additionally, there were Mummers' Plays, which retained a fair amount of pagan material and tended to be rather rowdy, and Manners Plays, which were entirely secular.Very little remains of the theatrical material from the Early Middle Ages, but the example called Querolus, which was written a few years before the Fall of Rome, was of pagan origin, and was revived in the 12th century. Other secular plays became more important about the same time.We should remember that most book copying was done in monasteries for Church purposes. Mummers' Plays were of folk origin, probably often not written down, and uninteresting objects for churchmen to preserve. This may give us a somewhat slanted view of the time.

What were the different types of castles in the middle ages?

The types were mott and bailey. Stone keep castles, Military castles, castles for royalty, rich, lords, and nyone who could afford a castle

Which of the following types of decoration was often used in Italian churches during the middle ages?

I think the primary was stain glass. It was seen as the light of God and it was a way for the church to educate the people about the bible. People couldn't read but they could interpret the stories in glass. Then, the next was the flying buttresses and the statuary. Not to mention the fresco's . All of this worked together for a special space full of light and color like nothing else in the middle age world. Seeing these today is still an awe inspiring experience.

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Medieval threatre what kind of plays did they perform?

Passion plays about the Bible. They were put on by the church and towards the late middle ages the guilds paid for the plays, but they were still about the bible. ----- There were three types of plays oriented toward religion, called Miracle Plays, Mystery Plays, and Morality Plays. In addition, there were politically incorrect Mummings, from the very start of the Middle Ages, which are said to have combined pagan and Christian elements. At the end of the Middle Ages there were plays called Manners plays, which were more like modern theater, and included comedy, drama, pastoral, romance, and so on. There is a link below.

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