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Q: Did educated 15th century Europeans believe the Earth was flat?
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Why is the Scandinavians the first europeans to discover the new world?

Because the Vikings were the first to sail across the open ocean. No one else would try that, because believing the Earth was flat, they were afraid they would sail off the edge.

How many decades have there been?

Scientists believe that about 13.7 billion years have passed since the beginning of time. 13.7 billion years is 1.37 billion decades.

Why did Europeans start exploring during the Renaissance?

In the 1400s, there was no refrigeration. To avoid meat to spoil, people preserve their meat with salt and dry it (like beef jerky). They also used a lot of spices like pepper to cover the taste of the salted meat. But in Europe, these spices did not grow anywhere. They can just only find it in Asian countries like China, Japan, and India, and these countries were known together as "The Indies". It was very difficult to get the spices from Asia to Europe, because they had to bring the spices across thousands of miles of dangerous mountains and deserts by spice traders. On their way, there were bandits waiting to rob the spice caravans. After using spice traders, they would bring the spices by ships, but the sea was also dangerous because of pirates and storms. Since it was so difficult to get spices from Asia to Europe, spices were very expensive. European rulers have fought many wars. They fought against each other and against the Turkish Empire. These wars cost a lot of money, so they needed to find a lot of gold, silver, and precious stones to pay for them. They thought there were gold, silver, and precious stones in Asia, so they decided to find them and bring it back to Europe. In the late 1400s, The Europeans did not know many things about the earth. Most of them had not been outside of Europe before. Because of this reason, the European map of the world included only Europe, Asia, and the top of Africa. They thought there was only one ocean, the Ocean Sea. Although many people thought the world was flat, educated Europeans knew that it was round. But the problem was they did not know how large the world was. As a conclusion, the Europeans explored during the renaissance because they want to find spices, find gold, silver, and precious stones and expend their knowledge.

Where did homosexuality begin?

Homosexuality began wherever life on Earth began.Homosexuality began with the dawn of animal life on Earth.

What were the four elements thought to compose the universe?

earth, air, fire and water.

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Did most 15th century europeans believe the earth is round or flat?

The ancient Greeks had worked out that the world was round by looking at the shadow that the Earth makes on the moon. Colombus knew it was round.

Did most of the educated people in Columbus and rsquo time thing the earth was flat?

No, most educated people in Columbus's time did not believe the Earth was flat. By the 15th century, ancient Greek scholars had already proven that the Earth was a sphere. Columbus's challenge was not convincing people the Earth was round, but rather estimating its size and the distance to Asia.

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Eventually, yes. As far as I know, very few educated people today believe our Sun revolves around our Earth.

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The Earth is round the earth was round

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The Earth is round the earth was round

Did Most of the educated people in Columbus' time thought the earth was flat.?


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The size of the earth had been known for thousands of years. The Ancient Greek had figured it out.

How did the Europeans learn the true size of the earth?

The size of the earth had been known for thousands of years. The Ancient Greek had figured it out.