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Marquess (border areas)

If you are below someone, then you are a vassal. Even a king can be a vassal. William I was king of England, but also a vassal to the king of France.

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Q: Feudal relationships in order from the king and below KING VASSAL LORD KNIGHT SERFS Is it right?
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How was feudalism a system of mutually dependent relationships between lords vassals and serfs What was the importance of land rights in this arrangement?

The Feudal lord provides the Vassal with land. The Vassal, in return, vows to fight for the Feudal lord, or serve him in various ways. The serfs who are mostly poor will be needing protection as well as a place to live in (err-- land). Thus, the serfs are usually required to pay taxes or till the vassal's land or serve the vassal. The reciprocal relationship between the feudal lord, vassal, and serf shows that neither can live without the other. Land, on the other hand, is given much importance because a thousand years ago, everybody wanted/needed land. (Territory was a necessity)

What happened if the feudal relationship with a lord and vassal was broken off?

In ancient times, the feudal relationship assisted the serfs in survival. Even though it was difficult and repressive, breaking off the relationship could cause starvation.

What is the pyramid that shows the medieval time feudal system called?

The feudal system is described by the Feudal Pyramid, which has four basic elements, the king, the lords, the common vassals, and the serfs. It is called a pyramid because each layer was supported by a much larger group that supported it, down to the serfs. The term vassal is sometimes applied only to those below the lords, but the lords were vassals.

What gift does the king give to the vassal?

The most important gift a lord could give to a vassal was land. During the feudal age, the ownership of land meant wealth and prestige in a society where there was little money. With the land, a lord would also give serfs to a vassal.

How was the vassal get power over the serfs?

the vassal has power because he is a little higher class than a serf

What does vassal mean?

The Anglo-Norman word vassal can mean simply a servant, a good, worthy man, a soldier, a fellow.Its main meaning is anyone at any level who owes allegance to someone else of superior rank - an earl would be the vassal of a king, a baron would be the vassal of an earl, a poor knight would be the vassal of a baron and so would his farming serfs. Each of these would also be a tenant of the person above him, "holding" land in return for services or rent.In this sense, a vassal is someone subordinate in rank who is legally obligated to someone above him in the feudal system.

What do they call the workers in the feudal system?


What is the basic unit of the feudal system?


Which best describes feudal society?

In a feudal society, serfs had to pay lords with crops

What describes feudal society?

Serfs gave crops to Lords and Lords controlled serfs' lives.

What title was given to the poor who were bound to the land of the vassal or lord they served?

They were the serfs.

Oath shown between lord and vassal?

the vassal received land or his manor and was held in common of his serfs and peasants and skilled works and was once a knight who was so good that he received the land from the king and was now considered his vassel but he could give away his land and also become a lord...etc.