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they hated it and would do everything to stop it
At the dawn of Christianity after Jesus died, the Romans hated the Christians. They wanted all of the Christian to suffer and die for voicing their faith that was believed by the Romans to be false.

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13y ago

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

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13y ago

Many became believers, but the Romans generally worshiped gods from mythology like Apollo and Jupiter.

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13y ago

In the first century the Romans viewed Christianity as just another depravity from the east. They considered it a Jewish sect.

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What was the Romans view on leisure?

they liked to make sweet love with another romette walst feeding the cattle fish in the barn

How did christianity contibute to the fall of the roman empire?

Christianity transformed the religious map of the Roman Empire. It became the religion of the masses of the empire in Late Antiquity. Mainstream Christianity (the early form of the Catholic and the Orthodox churches) became the state religion of the empire, whilst other Christian sects were branded heretic and persecuted, particularly Arian Christianity, which was popular around the empire. Catholicism at that time was called Latin or Western Christianity and it was the religion of the western part of the empire. The Orthodox Church was called Greek or Eastern Christianity and was the religion of the eastern part of the empire. The pagan Roman religion did not disappear, but it became sidelined and was persecuted.

Who was the first person to view and describe microbes in 1677?

robert koch

What were the long-lasting effects of exploration by the first American explorers of the west?

The answer is accurate maps, growth of far trade, and mistaking view of great plains.

Significance of Lewis and Clark to the theme of Westward Expansion?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out on an expedition to find the end of the new American nation. They were the original pioneers of the west, and they were among the first of the American settlers to see the Pacific Ocean. When they finally reached it, they wrote the famous words: "Ocian in view O! The Joy!" They basically showed to the rest of America that there was much more to be seen of this great nation, and thus inspired a Westward Expansion movement that would span the duration of the next century.

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