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Cattle ranching and he work cowhands did promoted settlements of the plains so there were places to rest during a long cattle drive. As railroads grew, more settlements were established and cattle drives were a large part of the economy.

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Q: How did cattle ranching and the work of cowhands promote the settlement of the plains?
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What is a cowhand?

A cowhand is a person who works with cattle on a farm or ranch. They are responsible for tasks such as herding, feeding, and caring for the livestock. Cowhands often have a deep knowledge of cattle behavior and ranching practices.

What was the californios' main industry?

cattle ranching

What country was responsible for cattle ranching in the southwest?

Spain was responsible for cattle ranching in the Southwest.

When did cattle ranching start?

Cattle ranching started in Texas in the 1800s.

What are cowhands what does it mean?

A person employed on a cattle ranch ; a cowgirl or a cowboy

What impact did cattle ranching have on Texas economy?

cattle ranching provided meat/beef when cowboys led a herd of cattle to markets

Why is cattle ranching causing deforestation?

It's not the ranching itself that causes deforestation, it's the clearing of land for agricultural purposes includingranching. Ranching is not the big sore thumb in the equation and the main reason why deforestation is occurring, you know.

Why did cowhands lead difficult cattle drives in the 1860's?

Cowhands led cattle drives in the 1860's to move cattle from the southwest to the nearest rail station where the cattle could be carried north. Cattle were worth about 3 times in the north what they were in the south.

What did cowhands call work on large cattle ranches?

Cowhands on large cattle ranches would typically refer to work as "cowboying" or "cowpunching." This involved activities such as herding cattle, branding, and maintaining the ranch.

Cattle ranching in Kenya and its origin?

Cattle ranching in Kenya began as early as the 15th century. The most popular cattle in the area is Boran cattle and in 1951, the Boran Cattle Breeders Society was founded.

What was the main industrie?

cattle ranching

How does cattle ranching effect on the environment and people?

it mainly effects the amazon beacuse 80% of the deforestation in the amazon rainforest is by cattle ranching.