Small trading posts were often established in large deserts near oases. In the Sahara Desert, one of the more significant trading posts was Taghaza, a village rich in salt. Salt, being a vital resource for human survival, was often traded for resources such as grain, gold, or ivory. Caravans would stop at places like this to rest and re-supply before continuing on.
The Phonecians
black oranges
John Calvin's religious ideas were spread to North America from Europe. "John Calvin's Protestant teachings were spread across Europe and into North America."
asia and africa
It was called the COLUMBIAN EXCAHNGE and it tresfer goods,and ideas between the easter and western hemisphere
Well Ideas get transported by communication. People get transported by car, train, boats, bus and taxis. Goods are transported by boat and trains.
People, goods, and ideas have historically moved throughout this region despite the challenges posed by high mountains and harsh deserts through various means. Trade routes such as the Silk Road facilitated the movement of goods and ideas, with caravans crossing mountains and deserts. Additionally, advancements in transportation, such as the construction of railways and roads, have further facilitated movement and integration across the region.
People and goods in Maryland are transported by its highway system and sometimes its rivers and railroads. Ideas in Maryland are exchanged via the Internet.
Cargo ships and basically for ideas, they speak to each other
what region are you talking about
Mountains and deserts can act as natural barriers to trade and the exchange of ideas by creating difficulties in transportation and communication. Mountains can make travel challenging and limit the construction of infrastructure like roads and railways. Deserts can present harsh environmental conditions that impede the movement of goods and people. As a result, these geographical features can limit interaction between different regions and cultures.
The term you are looking for is cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion is the process by which ideas, customs, and technology spread between different regions. Trade is the process by which goods are transported between regions, and although it facilitates cultural diffusion, I don't think it is actually considered cultural diffusion.
Cultural Diffusion was the exchange of goods and ideas between cultures.
Cultural Diffusion was the exchange of goods and ideas between cultures.
Goods can be moved by transportation along with people. people have the right to walk, run, drive, boat, swim, fly on an airplane..etc. ideas can move by being shared from people or by someone making the idea happen. example: if i was to make facebook, my idea is being shared by making it.
People: Cars, buses, ferries, airplanes, railroad, subway. Goods: Trucks, railroads, cargo ships. Ideas: Newspaper, magazines, internet (twitter, facebook, email), phone, cellular phone.
True, ideas and cultural accomplishments were traded alongside goods.