During the Pax Romana, he promoted Christianity even though he was a Pagan.
The ballistas were crossbow-like catapults. They helped the Roman army. They were the artillery of antiquty.
An empire is not a person. Therefore, the Roman Empire did not invent anything. The Romans invented concrete. Roman concrete was different from modern concrete. It was more fluid and had to be layered by hand. It was just as strong.
Laws were one of the factors that gave the empire unity. Since all provinces and territories were ruled by Roman law, the laws were the glue that held the empire together.
Although, the Romans did little original research, they did put science into practical use. They applied geography to make maps and medical knowledge to help doctors improve public health.
Romans enineers built roads, bridges, aqueducts, sewers, fortifications and ports.
1) Help the economy
There was only the Roman Empire. This is the only term the Romans had. Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire are terms invented by historians. What happened is that co-emperors were established, with one in the eastern part and the other in the western one. This was done to improve the defence of vast frontiers of the empire which were often under attack. One emperor concentrated on those in the west and the other on those in the east. Therefore, it cannot be said that the Eastern Roman Empire helped to unite an empire which was not divided.
Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.Medicine brought the same benefits to the Roman empire a it brings to us -- curing and help in healing.
the romans concentrated on practical things that would improve the quality of their lives and help them to maintain a large empire.
How did changing ideas about what made up the Roman community help the Roman Empire survive
The Roman Empire made Christianity the official religion of the Empire, and 'encouraged' the peoples it conquered to convert.
For military traffic and local communications.
The luxury of the Roman Empire.... :)
Marc Antony helped the Roman empire in a backhanded way. By losing to Octavian in the civil war he enabled Octavian to add Egypt and all its wealth to the Roman empire.
Roman Empire did help inspire the renaissance artists.