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The Romans did not invent books. Books had been around in some form for a couple of thousand years. The Romans used books, but their "books" were written on scrolls that were unrolled to be read. From the scroll, the codex developed, which was a handwritten manuscript, the pages most times bound together. An actual book as we know it was not developed until the invention of the printing press.

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Did Romans invent lead out of you peniclie?

Not to be picky, but I think you mean pencil. No, the Romans did not invent the lead pencil. In fact the "lead" in a pencil is not even lead at all. It is a material called graphite.

Did doctor crapper invent the toilet?

No, the Romans had water-cleansed toilets.

What roman invention was use to supply water to the citys?

While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.While the Romans used aqueducts to supply water to their cities, they did not invent them. However they did perfect/or reinvent the syphon and pumps used to control the water.

What city did the Romans come from?

Rome. That's why they are called Romans.

Which yeardid the Romans come to world?

Q. When did the Romans come into the world? A. 43BC, They came before Jesus Christ was born. Romans were the ones who tortured Jesus! Written By - Ellie Wilson

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