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Q: How have the ideals associated with chivalry changed over the centuries?
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Describe the feudalistic code of chivalry?

It is usually associated with ideals of knightly virtues, honor and courtly love.

What is the code of chivalry?

a complex set of ideals demanding that a knight be loyal

Who was the spanish writer who mocked the ideals of chivalry?

Miguel de Cervantes - author of Don Quixote

Which ideas associated with chivalry have remnants in todays society?


What was the chivilric code in the arhturian legend?

Chivalry is a code of conduct that medievalknights swore to follow. Chivalry was a feature of the High and later Middle Ages in Western Europe especially in the realm of Uther Pendragon. While its roots are recorded back to the 9th and 10th centuries, the system of chivalry flourished most in the 12th and 13th centuries before deteriorating at the end of the Middle Ages. The ideals of chivalry continued to influence behaviour for gentlemen and the nobility during the later Renaissance in the 16th century. Chivalry Code was of gallantry and honour that medieval knights were pledged to observe. Its principal virtues were piety, honour, valour, courtesy, chastity, and loyalty.

Which event in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight represents a deviation from the ideals of chivalry?

When Sir Gawain hides the green girdle given to him by Lady Bertilak instead of returning it as part of the exchange of winnings, this represents a deviation from the ideals of chivalry. Gawain prioritizes his own survival over his integrity and honor by breaking his agreement with the Green Knight.

Identify one way in which sir gawain falls short of the ideals of chivalry?

One way in which Sir Gawain falls short of the ideals of chivalry is when he keeps the green girdle for him self out of fear and cowardness. This shortcoming suggest that even in midieval time nobel knights fear death as a marines do today

As the warriors of feudal Japan are known for their code of honour the Knights of medieval England were known for what?

The Knights of medieval England were known for their code of chivalry. This code emphasized bravery, loyalty, and courtesy in battle and in everyday life. Knights were expected to protect the weak, uphold justice, and serve their lord with honor.

How did the concept of chivalry affect knights?

The concept of chivalry influenced knights by promoting ideals of honor, courage, and loyalty. Knights were expected to uphold a code of conduct that emphasized protecting the weak, fighting for justice, and serving their lord with dedication. Chivalry played a significant role in shaping the behavior and ethos of knights during the medieval period.

How was chivalry popularized?

Chivalry was popularized in medieval Europe through literature, particularly through tales of knights and courtly love in works like the Arthurian legends and troubadour poetry. These stories romanticized the ideals of knighthood, honor, bravery, and courteous behavior, shaping the code of chivalry that became influential in medieval society. Additionally, chivalry was also promoted through tournaments and jousts where knights could showcase their skills and uphold the values of chivalry.

The code of conduct developed by fuedal nobles?

Feudal nobles followed a code of conduct known as chivalry. This code emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, bravery, and courtesy. Knights were expected to uphold these ideals in their interactions with others.

What is a code of ideals that required that knights were loyal and fight bravely in defense of three masters his feudal lord his heavenly lord and his chosen lady?

Chivalry .