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The first crusades began when the Seljuk Turks Conquered Constantinople.

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Q: The Crusades began when the Seljuk Turks did what?
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The Crusades began soon after the Seljuk Turks threatened which of the following Christian nations?

The Crusades began soon after the Seljuk Turks threatened the Byzantine Empire, a Christian nation and a key ally of Western Europe. The Seljuk Turks' conquests in Anatolia and their capture of Jerusalem sparked a call for the Crusades to reclaim these territories.

What did the European Crusades do?

stoped the Seljuk Turks.(muslims)

Who took part in the crusades?

The people that took part in the crusades were the European christians and the seljuk Turks.

What role did the seljuk Turks play in the crusades?

they attacked the bazantine empire

Who fought duringn the crusades?

Those who fought during the crusades were: the Seljuk Turks, the European Christians, and the Muslims.

Which group later took control of the Holy Land attacked pilgrims and led Pope Urban to call for the Crusades?

Seljuk Turks

How did the crusades impact?

The advance of Islam into Europe by the Seljuk Turks, later the Ottoman Empire ended with the Crusades. Infighting among the various Muslims sects and empires stimulated by the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition coupled with the prerequisites for an industrial revolution found in Britain denuded the Middle East of resources at a critical time of developement. In a sense the Crusades began the equivalent of the Dark Ages for Islamic empires.

When did the seljuk Turks invade the middle east?

Seljuk Turks conquered Anatolia after their success at the Battle of Manzikert in 1078 CE.

How did the Crusades impact Islam?

The advance of Islam into Europe by the Seljuk Turks, later the Ottoman Empire ended with the Crusades. Infighting among the various Muslims sects and empires stimulated by the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition coupled with the prerequisites for an industrial revolution found in Britain denuded the Middle east of resources at a critical time of developement. In a sense the Crusades began the equivalent of the Dark Ages for Islamic empires.

What group eventually conquered the empire established by the seljuk Turks?

The Ottoman Dynasty eventually conquered the empire established by the Seljuk Turks

What two religious groups fought each other during the Crusades?

The Crusades were fought primarily between Christians from Western Europe and Muslims in the Holy Land, particularly the Seljuk Turks and later the Mamluks.

What was the religious faIth of the seljuk Turks?
