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The engraving of the Twelve Tables was prompted by the revolt and strike of the Plebeians.

It was not prompted by a plebeian revolt. The plebeian revolt of the second plebeian secession (which was not a strike, strikes did not exist back then) was after the promulgation of the law and was about getting rid of the men who had written the law, had been put in charge of the city with extraordinary powers, refused to resign at the end of their term of office, and were ruling arbitrarily. They wanted to end this and restore the power of the plebeian tribunes and the right to appeal which had been suspended during the government of these men.

The origin of the Tables was the bill for the Lex Terentilia which was proposed by the plebeian tribunes in 467 BC. Its aim as to define and limit the power of the consuls which had not been defined and therefore was limitless. The plebeians, as poor people, were the people who were most likely to suffer if the consuls acted arbitrarily. This was opposed by the patricians. The bill was obstructed and delayed for 12 years despite continuous plebeian agitations in its favour. At this point the plebeian tribunes dropped the bill and argued for the need for a general legislation. The patricians agreed and this was the beginning of the process which led to the Twelve Tables.

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Q: The engraving of roman laws on the twelve tables was prompted by the?
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Where were the twelve tables hung?

the roman forum

What is the code of laws created by the roman republic?

Assemblies do not have written codes of laws. Laws are matters for magistrates and courts, not assemblies. Codes of law are things such as civil law, criminal law, and constitutional law. What assemblies have are procedures regarding debating, voting and other business they might carry out. Also note that Rome had three assemblies: the assembly of the soldiers, the assembly of the tribes, and the plebeian councils.

The What became the foundation of roman law?

Rome's first set of written was was the Law of the Twelve Tables, which was compiled in 450/49 BC. This was an archaic law which was the foundation for Roman law only in the next few centuries. As Rome evolved beyond the archaic stage of the history and many new laws were issued, the Law of the Twelve Tables became outmoded and no longer provided the foundation of Roman law.

How was roman government different berfore the twelve tables?

The Law of the Twelve Tablets did not change the form of Roman government. It was compiled in 451 BC and 450 BC; That is, 58 and 59 years into the Roman Republic which lasted for 482 years (509 BC-27 BC)

What did the 12 tables do?

he Law of the Twelve Tables formed the centerpiece of the constitution of the Roman Republic and the core of the mos maiorum. The Twelve Tables must be distinguished from the unrelated, much older "twelve shields" of King Numa Pompilius.It was also a monument with the biggest model penis that rose 40 Feet from the ground and was 100 feet in diameter.

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Which statements describe the Twelve Tables?

-The Twelve Tables spelled out the Roman code of laws. -The Twelve Tables were written down. -The Twelve Tables were displayed publicly. -The Twelve Tables protected all citizens, including the plebeians.

Where were the twelve tables?

the roman forum

What were the name of the tablets called on which the Roman Laws were engraved?

They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.They were called the Twelve Tables or the Twelve Tablets.

Roman law code?

The Twelve Tables

What was romes first written law code called?

law of the twelve tables.

What was the first Roman laws called?

twelve tables

What was the the name of the roman law code?

twelve tables

What was the Ancient Roman law code?

twelve tables

Where were the twelve tables hung?

the roman forum

Where were the Roman Twelve Tables displayed?

they were displayed in the Roman Forum (market place)

What name is given to the earliest written roman civil law?

The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.The Twelve Tables.

How do you feel about the display of the twelve tables?

The twelve tables help the student of roman culture learn about what the laws were! Sorry this is very bad answer! Hahaaha