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410 AD with the fall of Rome to 1400. Lasted a 1,000 years.

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A 1000 years. From 410 AD to 1400.

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Q: The middle ages lasted for 1000 years?
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What are the dates for the high Middle Ages?

The High Middle Ages lasted from 1000 AD to 1250 AD

How and when the Middle Ages started?

It began in 410 AD with the fall of the Roman Empire and lasted a 1000 years.

The Middle Ages in Europe that because they came in between?

The Middle Ages lasted a 1000 years ( from 410 AD to 1400) so it didn't really come "in between" two ages since it lasted so long. I guess you could say it was after the Roman fall and the Age of Exploration.

When was the start of the high middle ages?

The Middle Ages lasted 1000 years, from around the year 400 to 1400. This is the period of time that the Black Death decimated much of Europe.

About how long did the middle ages last in Europe?

It lasted about 1,000 (one-thousand) years.

Who was the most famous explorer in Tudor times?

The most famous explorer in the Middle Ages was probably Marco Polo.

Identify the Middle Ages?

the middle ages European history are a period in which lasted for roughly a millennium.

How many dark ages did the US have?

None. The US is only 200 years old. The middle or dark ages lasted from 410 to 1500 over a thousand years.

What years did Dark Ages n Middle Ages spanned?

410 AD with the fall of Rome to 1400 with the start of exploration. A 1000 years.

what period came after the middle ages?

The Renaissance ( which means rebirth) after a 1000 years of "darkness".

The Middle ages lasted through what centuies?


Was feudalism associated with the dark ages?

Yes, feudalism was practiced during the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages lasted from about 476 to 1000 AD, a period also called the Early Middle Ages. The most widely held definition of feudalism has it being established around the time of Charlemagne, who reigned as king of the Franks from 768 to 814. It lasted until the end of the Middle Ages in some parts of Europe.