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The Songhai Empire

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Q: The most powerful of the west African empires was?
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Which phase of West African history came first?

The ancient empires phase of West African history came first

Which countries became a major trading partner with west African empires in the late 1400s?

Only one country (namely Portugal) had any dealings with West African coast countries at the time. Portugal hoped to find gold there, and wanted to find the mystical Kingdom of Priest John, which turned out not to exist. Calling Portugal a "major trading partner of West African empires" would be a vast overstatement. They got out some gold in exchange for iron tools, cloth etcetra but that was about it. Further travels along the West African coast by the Portuguese all had the purpose of finding a route to Asia.

When did French West African Cup end?

French West African Cup ended in 1960.

How were the West African kingdom involved in slave trade?

they sold other Africans to slave traders The West African tribes, waged war with each other in order to raid and captured people from rival tribes which they then transported to the coast and sold to slave traders. It was a lucrative business for them and made the coastal tribes very rich and powerful.

How were the west African kingdom involved in the slave trade?

they sold other Africans to slave traders The West African tribes, waged war with each other in order to raid and captured people from rival tribes which they then transported to the coast and sold to slave traders. It was a lucrative business for them and made the coastal tribes very rich and powerful.