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Q: Was the charcter of maximus in gladiator a spaniard?
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Who was Antonius proximo?

Antonius Proximo is a fictional character played by Oliver Reed in the film Gladiator. He is a gladiator trainer the main character, Aelius Maximus Decimus Meridius, has been sold to.

Where there any roman emperors who fought as a gladiator?

The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.

What does optimus maximus mean?

Optimus Maximus means the "biggest and greatest" in Latin. Used by ancient Romans; refered to "Jupiter Optimus Maximus"

When was Circus Maximus - American band - created?

Circus Maximus - American band - was created in 1967.

Who Is jesikah maximus?

MEASUREMENTS: TOP- 32D WAIST- 24 HIPS- 42 Jesikah Maxiumus: Her name alone is more than enough give a seasoned player that GOOD "tingle"…but (pun intended) her entire physical package can NEVER, EVER be held libel for false advertisement or embellishment of fact. The name "Maximus" is formed from the Latin term for "greatest" or "largest." Therefore, it is both a proper noun and common noun, both in the ancient, medieval, and modern world. Jesikah Maximus is without question, the Gladiator of the modeling game. Maximum impact… Maximum curves… for Maximum Exposure!

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Did Russell crow play a spaniard in gladiator?

Because that is what the script called for.

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Who did Russell Crowe play in the gladiator?

Crowe won the 2000 Best Actor for his performance as onetime Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius in "Gladiator."

Who played Maximus in Gladiator?

Russell Crowe

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Who does Russell crowe play in gladiator?


Did Maximus die at the end of Gladiator?

Yes he did!

Who does Russell Crowne play in the Gladiator?

He plays Maximus, the main character. AKA the gladiator.

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What movie was Russell crowe maximus in?

The movie's name is Gladiator

Who was the most famous gladiator that fought in the coliseum?

Maximus Aurelius

In Gladiator what does Maximus say to Proximo that he's in danger of becoming?

a good man