If by BC you mean before the birth of Christ and by CE you mean Christian Era, then the Christian Era started with the birth of Christ - so BC came first.
The link I will place below is an interesting read!
I believe if we are according to time BC is first. BC meaning before christ and AD meaning Anno Domini. These come in a set together to note times for years in history. However, due to controversial reason's BCE and CE have become a new way to mark time through history. BCE meaning before common era and CE meaning common era.
The first century CE began at the beginning of 1 CE and ended at the end of 100 CE. The first century BCE ended at the end of 1 BCE, and the second century CE began at the beginning of 101 CE. (Note that there is no year 0, so 1 BCE immediately precedes 1 CE.)
The first recorded incident of the Romans going to Britain was in 55 BC. with Julius Caesar's first invasion. The emperor Claudius annexed it as a province in 43 AD. Now there was a strong Roman presence in Britain during those intervening 98 years. When Claudius arrived, the Romans had already made treaties and conquered certain tribes. Trade was also carried on. However the date when the first Roman traders, settlers, and troops came to Britain to stay is unclear.
The first millennium.
twenty-first century
30 BC came first.
bc is the answer .
1500 bc was before 600 bc
399 BC
700 bc
As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.As far as we know, the Romans first came to Britain in 55 BC with the arrival of Julius Caesar.
4000 BC; time goes down in BC not upwards like AD. The higher the number in BC the earlier it is
3500 bc
first century BC
700 BC came first then 900 AD BC is before AD
1500 BC Did come first because it is almost like a countdown to AD (after death) which is current (2010 AD)
Fix your grammar first