Throughout the various versions of the grand legend of King Arthur and Camelot, a fatal character flaw, or perhaps several, eventually causes the fall of Camelot. From the flaw of desire (and/or lack of self-discipline), the infidelity of Guinevere and Lancelot typically appears as a primary cause. Another typical flaw is the jealousy (or the mere ambition) of Mordred, supposed illegitimate son of Arthur, who is sometimes claimed to have been born through a character flaw of Arthur himself.
In legend: the most famous castle and court of King Arthur. In US history: Project Camelot was a social science research project of the US Army in 1964. The purpose was to assess the causes of violent rebellion and how to prevent government overthrow.
camelot was a city that was supposed to be in medivel england, with king Arther as it's king
Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.Although there were multiple causes that contributed to the fall of the western empire, in my opinion the most significant was the deterioration of the army.
The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.The causes of the fall of ancient Rome are numerous and complex. These causes can be summed up by saying the fall was caused by pressures on the borders and decay from within.
The Knights of the Round Table.
Camelot is a make believe place, there is no significance to be assigned to a made up history.
The fall of its king (Arthur) who didn't leave any heir. Symbolically, the fall of Camelot represents the fall of traditional chivalry and its values: Mordred was a traitor, Lancelot tried to seduce Arthur's wife...
She had an affair with Lancelot which led to the fall of Camelot. Everyone was sad to see but they took it very hard as the spirit of camelot fell.
when auther got struck in the head by an evil king
the tragedy of Camelot is said to be when king Arthur's wife cheated on him with his best friend sir Lancelot and when king Arthur found out about the affair his spirit was crushed he let camelot fall apart but that might not be true
gravity causes objects to fall
Camelot - musical - was created in 1960.
In legend: the most famous castle and court of King Arthur. In US history: Project Camelot was a social science research project of the US Army in 1964. The purpose was to assess the causes of violent rebellion and how to prevent government overthrow.
The Camelot President was JFK.
what causes the seasons winter,spring,summer and fall