2014, when this question is being answered, is the same as 1941. Since 1941 the following years have had the same calendar: 1941 1947 1958 1969 1975 1986 1997 2003 2014 For the rest of this century, the following years have the same calendar as 1941: 2025 2031 2042 2053 2059 2070 2081 2087 2098
Millennium (1000 years)
the 19th Century, the 18th Century, the 4th Century BC A century is 100 years
We are in the 21st Century.
The century that we are in now- 21st century. :-/
Century Theatres was created in 1941.
2014, when this question is being answered, is the same as 1941. Since 1941 the following years have had the same calendar: 1941 1947 1958 1969 1975 1986 1997 2003 2014 For the rest of this century, the following years have the same calendar as 1941: 2025 2031 2042 2053 2059 2070 2081 2087 2098
Joesph Stalin was the premier of the soviet union from 1941 to 1952 which means he was leader for the duration of Russia's involvement in WW2.
Lazybones - 1941 was released on: USA: 1941
Contrathemis - 1941 was released on: USA: 1941
The Rapture - 1941 was released on: USA: 1941
The Get-Away - 1941 was released on: USA: 13 June 1941 UK: 13 October 1941
Parachute Battalion - 1941 was released on: USA: 14 August 1941 (Atlanta, Georgia) (premiere) USA: 12 September 1941 Australia: 16 October 1941 Portugal: 27 October 1941 Sweden: 26 December 1941
Shadows in Swing - 1941 was released on: USA: 1 May 1941
Agnoula - 1941 was released on: USA: November 1941
Aluminum - 1941 was released on: USA: December 1941