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Q: What charcteristics of democracies originaten roman Rebublic?
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What did the ancient greek and roman government and the English government contribute to American government?

The Greeks invented the idea of democracy. However, their concept of democracy was different. Nowadays we have indirect democracy, which means that the people elect representatives of the people and it is them who vote on bills. The Greek had direct democracy, which means that it was the people themselves, gathered in the assembly of the people, who voted on bills. Demorcacy means power by the people in Greek. Both the Greeks and the Romans had the concept of citizenship and the idea that citizens had rights. During the Roman Republic and in the Greek democracies, this included the right to vote. It has to be noted that not all Greek states had democracies and in that other states (such as kingdoms, oligarchies and tyrannies) there was no voting. During the period of rule by emperors which followed the Roman Republic the people no longer voted and there was absolute rule by emperors. During the Roman Republic there was also the power of veto. The idea for American veto system came from the Romans.

Why did Justinian wanted his empire to be like the roman empire?

Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.

What was the heart of Roman society?

The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.The heart of Roman society was the family.

Why do you think Roman citizens were not crucified?

Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.Freedom from crucifixion was a privilege of Roman citizenship.

How was distance marked on Roman roads?

Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.Distance was marked on Roman roads by milestones.

Related questions

Are the roman rebublic and oligachy the same?

The Roman rebublic and the Oligarchy are not 100% the same but the are very alike, they both are ruled by a number of people and both rule goverment!

What was the Roman Rebublic's government?

A republic! They had a senate and two consuls.

What were the major characteristics of the roman rebublic?

idk read a book for once The government of the Roman republic could be characterized as a partnership between the officials and the people. The assemblies elected the officials to look after their interests.

What problems contributed to the decline of the Roman rebublic?

The political instability, economic and social problems, and weakening frontiers cause the decline of the Roman Empire.

The three historical divisions of Roman history are?

the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Roman Kingdom lasted from 753 BC to 509 BC and was characterized by the rule of kings. The Roman Republic existed from 509 BC to 27 BC and was a period of representative government. The Roman Empire began in 27 BC and lasted until 476 AD, during which power was concentrated in the hands of emperors.

How did the rome highway system influence the spread of democracy?

The Roman road system did not have any influence whatsoever on the spread of democracy. Neither Rome nor the Roman Empire were democracies. Democracy was a Greek concept. There were some democracies in some Greek city-states, but then they collapsed. Democracy as we know it now started to develop some 1,200 years after the Romans.

How did the greek democracy differ from roman democracy?

The Roman Empire ruled a variety of peoples over a vast area of North Africa, Europe and the Middle East. The Greek democracies governed their own individual independent city-state.

What do republics and democracies have in common?

what they have in common is they both have voting and vote for their represenatives.

How and when did the roman rebublic come to an end?

The exact date of the end of the Roman Republic is debated, one commonly accepted date is 44BC - when Julius Caesar was assassinated (after being proclaimed perpetual dictator). Another is 27BC, when the Senate granted extraordinary powers to Octavian (Augustus) - the beginnings of the Roman Empire.The role of perpetual dictator had never existed in the Republic before this time, and it sparked the beginning of an autocratic system.

What is structure of Christiantity?

Christian denominations have widely varying structures, from autocratic top-down (Roman Catholic) to representative democracies (Methodist). Also, many congregations are not affiliated with any denomination.

Who were the top government officials in the roman rebublic and what were their duties?

The top Roman officials during the republic were the Consuls. There were two of them who served one year terms. They held imperium which means supreme authority. They had control of the army, were responsible for war, justice and financial resolutions. Originally they were patricians, but later they were chosen from either patricians or plebeians and still later there was a rule that at least one consul had to be a plebeian.

How democratic was the government of the early roman?

It had three assemblies of the people - Centuriate, Tribal and Plebeian, plus ten Tribunes of the plebs who could introduce legislation to the Senate, and had a veto. Much more democratic than today's representative 'democracies'.