Answer this question… European states had their borders clearly defined.
Leaders tried to keep a balance of power in Europe.
-Concert of Europe -Condemnation of the Slave Trade -Principle of Legitimacy -German Confederation
Austria, Britain, France, Russia, and sometimes Prussia, with limited or no participation by other delegates.
There were 11 Vienna Peace Treaties signed between 1606 and 1955 - for more information visit
Please check the "Congress of Vienna"
The new European order
The most important goal of the Congress of Vienna was to create a more equal balance of power among countries. This was done partially by redrawing boundaries.
conservative view
It was the congress of Vienna It was the congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna was conservative so they wanted monarchy back
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna
Restoring hereditary monarchies was how the Congress of Vienna promoted the principle of legitimacy. The Congress of Vienna was held from September 1814 to June 1815.
He did not want to leave the congress of Vienna powerless
Explain the chief goal and outcome of the congress of Vienna