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Q: What did Roman Philosophers wear?
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Who werethe roman philosophers that taught about civic responsibility and bravery?

They were the Stoic philosophers.

Were Socrates and Aristotle Roman philosophers?


Who are socrates Plato and aristotle?

roman philosophers.

Who are some famous Roman philosophers?

Plato and Aristotle. ETC.. <<<these were GREEK not ROMAN !!

What values did Roman Stoic Philosophers promote?

The values that Roman Stoic philosophers promoted were virtue, duty, and endurance in life.

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What was the influential group of Roman philosophers called?

medieval religoin

What group of roman philosophers people should not be concred with possessions?

The stoics

What values did the roman stoic philosophers promote?

they got their pholosres from the greek

As the Roman Empire declined who studied the knowledge of that society?

philosophers Muslim scholars

As the roman empire declined who studies the knowledge of that society?

philosophers Muslim scholars

What group of Roman philosophers taught that people should not worry about possessions?

the stoics