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they thought they were savages and they didnt have a religon
The First Nations that first met the vikings between 500 and 10 000 years ago included The Mi'kmaqs, The Haudenosaunee and The Mountagnais. Both First Nations poeples and Europeans were surprised to meet people that seemed so difffrent from themselves so they decided to get along because they wanted to know each other better and not get themselves in stupid idiot wars.
The Vikings are Europeans and it was people of Asian descent that discovered Canada first.
The first Europeans to settle in Canada were Norse. They came around 1000, but did not stay long. The next activity came with Giovanni Caboto, who was exploring for England. After this, explorers from other nations such as the Portugal and Basque started to come to Canada.
because a guy shot a guy then the guy died then they both shot each other and died
Metal and Christianity
they traded and it was cool
That's simply, other then the Vikings and First Nations it was the Europeans.
not all First Nations were allies of the Europeans. ex. the beothuk were hunted down by the Europeans for bounty because they didn't want to have the Europeans on their land.
The first nations helped the Europeans because it was good to trade with them to get metals for fur.
they didn't beause the canadain- europeans had a reallt tight hold on the resisential schools and churches, and on the first nations people's land
The people of the "First Nations" are those who are descended from the Native Americans - those who lived in America before the Europeans arrived.
Canoe or by foot. Until the Europeans introuduced horses to the First Nations when they arrived.
They did not kill them, as they did the first Europeans, the Vikings.
They did not kill them, as they did the first Europeans, the Vikings.
The people of the First Nations travelled the Great Lakes in canoes long before any Europeans did.