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The key principles of Roman civil law were citizenship and citizenship rights, equality under the law, the right to have a proper trial and to defend oneself, the right to appeal, that the burden of proof rests on the accuser and not on the accused, that no Roman citizen should be tortured and that unfair laws can be repealed.

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Q: What did the ancient roman legal system stress with?
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Did the ancient Roman legal system stress the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Roman law was based on the principle of rights, the rights of citizens.

Did the ancient Rome legal system stress the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Yes, Roman law was based on the principle of citizen rights

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The Roman law, which is the legal system applied in the ancient Rome,were proposed by the magistrates and approved by the assembly.

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Yes, Roman law was based on the principle of the rights of citizens.

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