No. Rome was a Republic during 236. Rome was a monarchy in its founding and then again when it became the Roman Empire.
Some historians date the game of Chess as early as the 2nd century, originating from China
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St rome founding group
They get the information from the writings of ancient Roman historians.
The Founding Fathers saw the collapse of Rome's republic as a warning they learned that no republic could survive unless its citizens remained independent and devoted to public services. they also learned that Rome once had Dictatorship. Today historians admit that the Founding Fathers somewhat exaggerated the virtues of Rome's republic. Yet, the lessons they learned still have force.
== == ---- 750 B.C.
What can the myth of the founding of Rome, Romulus and Remus, tell us about what the Romans thought about their city?
the surrender of Rome
AnswerIt is the role of historians to study the past and report what they believe happened, how it happened and why - without fear or favor. Some historians have noted that the Founding Fathers expressed no interest in establishing a state religion or in incorporating religious principles in the constitutiion. In fact, they see that the constitution of the United States actually forbids state participation in religion.
war and slavery
The legend of the founding of Rome was by two brothers namely Remus and Romulus.
The traditional date for the founding of Rome by Romulus is 753 BC.
The traditional date for the founding of Rome is April 21, 753 BC.