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primary and secondary sources.

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Q: What do the two different kinds of sources used most by historians to answer questions about the past include?
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The two different kinds of sources used most by historians to answer questions about the past include what?

primary and secondary sources.

Why do historians ask questions to evaluate their sources?

Asking questions helps them investigate the past in a meaningful way. They also focus the historians research.

Why do historians have to evaluate the primary and the secondary sources they used to answer their questions?

to be happy

Why do historians have to evaluate primary and secondary sources they use to answer their questions?

to be happy

Why do historians have to evaluate the primary and secondary sources they used to answer questions?

to be happy

What source do historians use to answer questions?

They use primary and secondary sources

Why do historians have to to evaluate the primary and secondary sources they use to answer their questions?

just give me the answer it isnt hard

Why is it so difficult for historians to arrive at an interpretation of past events that is university accepted?

Answer this question… Primary sources may be incomplete or contradict other sources.

What are historians' clues called?

Historians' clues are called sources, which can include written documents, archaeological artifacts, oral histories, and other forms of evidence that provide insight into the past. These sources are used by historians to reconstruct and interpret historical events and processes.

How can historians today use primary sources to determine that a date is accurate?

Historians can use primary sources such as official records, diaries, letters, and inscriptions to cross-reference multiple sources for a particular date or event. By assessing the reliability and consistency of information across different primary sources, historians can determine the accuracy of a date through triangulation and corroboration. Additionally, comparing primary sources with secondary sources can help historians validate the accuracy of a date.

What are historical inquiry questions?

Historical inquiry questions are questions that historians ask during the research process to investigate specific aspects of the past. These questions are designed to guide the researcher in gathering evidence, analyzing sources, and drawing conclusions about historical events and phenomena. Examples of historical inquiry questions include "What were the causes of World War I?" and "How did the Civil Rights Movement impact American society?"

What tools do historians use?

Primary sources, secondary sources, and oral history.