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•The lower class elected Tribunes to be a voice for them in the government.

•By 4th Century B.C.E., lower class was able to hold almost all government offices and by early 3rd Century B.C.E., they dominated the assemblies.

In short, a large voice in the government.

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There were a number of reforms which eased tension during the 200-year Conflict of the Orders between patricians and plebeians. These were directed at meeting the demands of the rich and poor plebeians. The rich plebeians who led the plebeian movement wanted power sharing with the patricians who monopolised the seats of the senate and the consulship (the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the Republic and the army). The rich plebeians gained access to the consulship and the new executive offices of state which were created as the Republic developed. Through this the rich plebeians also gained access to the senate whose seats were opened to former officers of state.

There were also reforms aimed at address the economic grievances of the poor plebeians who formed the rank and file of the plebeian movement. These included indebtedness, the interest rates of loans and sufficient land for poor peasants who received only allotments which were hardly sufficient to sustain a family.

In 449 BC the leges (laws) Valeriae Horatiae were issued. The lex (law) Valeria Horatia de tribuniciapotestate established the inviolability (sacrosanctity) of the plebeian tribunes (the representatives of the plebeians). This was a religious rule (lex sacrata) according to which someone who harmed the gods was declared sacer esto (let him be accursed) and became forfeit to the gods. Anyone who killed such an offender carried out a sacred duty and was exempted from penalties. This rule was applied to the person of the plebeian tribune. The lex Valeria Horatia de plebiscitis established that the plebiscites (the laws passed by the Plebeian council) binding on all Roman citizens (including the patricians and not just on the plebeians). However, such laws could be vetoed by the senate through as acutoritas partum (ruling on the senate) which questioned the technical validity of the law. Usually these technicalities were religious.

In 442 BC, the plebeian tribunes prevented the election of the consuls as a means to put pressure to obtain plebeian access to that office. Instead, tribunes with consular power were appointed. Some of them were plebeian. The office of the censors was created. This removed the duty of carrying out the census from the consuls. It was said that the (two) censors were created to avoid the possibility of plebeians obtaining control of the census either through their tribunes with consular power or by gaining access to the consulship. The censors were elected exclusively from the patricians.

In 367 BC the lex Licinia-Sextia made the plebeians eligible for election for one of the two consulships (the office of the two annually elected heads of the Republic and the army). It was introduced by the plebeian tribunes (representatives of the plebeians) Gaius Licinius Stolo and Lucius Sextius Lateranus In more than half of the years between 366 BC and 342 BC a plebeian was elected.

In 342 BC the leges Genuciae were issued. One law allowed both consuls to be plebeians. The fasti consulares (a list of consuls) from this point on also suggests that it required one consul to be plebeian as well. The first time that there were two plebeian consuls was in 172 BC. Another law forbade re-election to the same office for 10 years or to fill two offices in the same year. They were introduced by a plebeian consul Lucius Genucius.

In 339 BC the leges Publilia were introduced. The first one made the plebiscites (the laws passed by the Plebeian council) binding on all Roman citizens (including the patricians and not just on the plebeians) like the leges Valeriae (see above). However, the senate could only veto a law through an auctoritas partum before the law was voted on. This reduced the senate's power to disrupt legislation passed by the Plebeian Council. The second one stipulated that one praetor was to be a plebeian. The praetor was the second highest office and was a chief justice and a military commander. The office was created in 366 BC to relive some of the duties of the consuls. These laws were introduced by Quintus Publilius Philo, a plebeian dictator.

In 356 BC the first plebeian dictator, Gaius Marcius Rutilus, was appointed.

In 351 BC the first plebeian censor, the same Gaius Marcius Rutilus, was elected despite patrician opposition.

In 336 BC the first plebeian praetor, Quintus Publilius Philo, was elected.

In 330 (/) the lex Ogulnia de Auguribus et Pontificibusincreased the priestly colleges of potifeces and of augurs to eight and nine respectively. Four of the nine pontifices and five of the augurs were to be plebeians. This was the first time that the plebeians were eligible to priesthoods. The law was introduced by the plebeian tribunes Quintus Ogulnius Gallus and Cornelius. Gallus

In 287 BC the lex Hortensia made the plebiscites (the laws passed by the Plebeian council) binding on all Roman citizens without of prior approval of the Senate. It was introduced by the plebeian dictator Quintus Hortensius. It is regarded by historians as marking the end of the Conflict of the orders. It enabled the rich plebeians to arise to a higher status and to hold the same amount of power and voice as the patricians.

Regarding the economic grievances of the poor plebeians:

In the 5th century BC 12 bills to redistribute land to the poor were rejected:the rogatio Cassia Agraria (486 BC) rogatio Licinia Agraria (484 BC) rogatio Pontificia Agraria (480 BC) rogatio Fabia Agraria (479 BC) rogatio Considia et Genucia Agraria (476 BC) rogatio Agraria (474 BC) rogatio Aemilia Agraria (467 BC) rogatio Aemilia et Fabia Agraria (467 BC) rogatio Agraria (Rogatio Maecilia et Metilia Agraria (416 BC) rogatio Maenia Agraria (410) rogatio Trebonia Agraria (401 BC) rogatio Agraria (388 BC).

The lex Agraria de Labici of 418 BC decreed that 1,500 Roman peasants should be sent to the newly conquered lands of the Labici with 2 iugera of land each

One of the leges Licinia Sextiae of 367 BC (see above), limited the amount of public land (ager publicus) anyone could own to 500 iugera. It seems that, though in is not fully clear, that the access land was to be distributed among the peasants. It also reduced the amount of livestock which could be kept on public land (rich farmers used this land to graze their large stocks, thus reducing the amount of land available to poor peasants).

The lex Duilia et Memnenia de Unciario Fenore of 357 BC fixed the rate interest rate at 8 1/3 per cent. It was introduced by the plebeian tribunes Marcus Duilius and Lucius Menenius One of the leges Genuciae of 342 BC (see above) was the lex de Feneratione. It banned lending at interest. It is most likely that this law was later ignored or abandoned). The lex Publilia de Sponsu of uncertain origin (3rd of 4th century BC) regarded the recovery of loaned debt for sponsors of a debtor. The lex Poetelia Papiria de Nexis of 326 BC, according to Livy opened a "new era of liberty for plebes" as debt-slavery (nexus) was eliminated; "No man (shall) be kept in irons or in the stocks, except such as have been guilty of some crime, and then only until they have worked out their sentence; and, further, that the goods and not the person of the debtor shall be the security for the debt."

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Q: What eased tension between patricians and plebeians in Rome?
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Why was it an important change that Roman soldiers no longer had to own property to serve in military by the beginning of the 1st century BC?

The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.The change was important as it eased social problems. It gave the poor and unemployed a steady income for several years and a man had the possibility of retiring wealthy.

Why was setting the nations western border was important economically to the new country?

spanish territory- gave us a relationship with spain and eased land disputes

Why were the Romans willing to accept Augustus?

He wanted to share power with the senate, and even wanted to restore the republic. The senate and people were grateful for Rome's peace and prosperity that they gave him as much power as he wanted. Hoped that helped!! :)

What does the Edict of Milan state about Christianity?

Actual words of the edict: "... we might grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred; whence any Divinity whatsoever in the seat of the heavens may be propitious and kindly disposed to us and all who are placed under our rule And thus by this wholesome counsel and most upright provision we thought to arrange that no one whatsoever should be denied the opportunity to give his heart to the observance of the Christian religion, of that religion which he should think best for himself, so that the Supreme Deity, to whose worship we freely yield our hearts) may show in all things His usual favor and benevolence. Therefore, your Worship should know that it has pleased us to remove all conditions whatsoever, which were in the rescripts formerly given to you officially, concerning the Christians and now any one of these who wishes to observe Christian religion may do so freely and openly, without molestation. We thought it fit to commend these things most fully to your care that you may know that we have given to those Christians free and unrestricted opportunity of religious worship. When you see that this has been granted to them by us, your Worship will know that we have also conceded to other religions the right of open and free observance of their worship for the sake of the peace of our times, that each one may have the free opportunity to worship as he pleases ; this regulation is made we that we may not seem to detract from any dignity or any religion."

What happen to the members that were part of the second triumvirate?

The members of the second triumvirate were Lepidus, Octavian and Antony. Lepidus was eased out by Octavian after he tried to rebel and take over Sicily. Antony and Octavian fought the last civil war, Antony lost and committed suicide. Octavian went on to become Caesar Augustus, establishing the principate and becoming Rome's first emperor.

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