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Q: What ended prehistory?
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When did the prehistory ended?

5,500 years ago

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Prehistory - album - was created in 1981.

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prehistory is before and history is now

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Prehistory Museum of Valencia was created in 1927.

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Museum of Lebanese Prehistory was created in 2000.

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The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory was created in 2000.

Can you give me a sentence with the word prehistory?

The prehistory of the Romans, and how they got to Italy, is not completely known.

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Which phrase defines the time called prehistory

What was the period of time called before systems of writing were used?

pre history pre historythe time before writting was invented is called prehistory.

When did prehistory start?

Prehistory means before the invention of writing. Remember that there is a difference between proto-writing and true writing. Protowriting happened about 9,000 years ago in 7th millenium BC.Egypt's prehistory begans 5,200 years ago, or 3,200 BCE.Human prehistory begins about 200,000 years ago. However, there are many carved rocks and evidences of hunting, art, etc. from before then, that can be classified under homininae, the broader class of standing up-right human cousins.

What does the term prehistory describe?

Prehistory is all that period before people started recording their history.