Civilized and civilizing are adjectives related to the word civilization. Adjectives describing civilization include Eastern, ancient, and modern.
The noun civility is related to the adjective 'civil" (the social meaning). The adverb for is civilly (politely, respectfully).
Cradle of civilization means the place where civilization began to flourish. Civilization was able to thrive because it had what it needed.
Civilization is both countable and uncountable. Civilizations is the plural inflection of the noun civilization
The Mayan civilization!
An antonym for civil is rude.
The noun form of the adjective 'civil' is civility.Related noun forms are civilian and civilization.
The noun civility is related to the adjective 'civil" (the social meaning). The adverb for is civilly (politely, respectfully).
No it is not a modern civilization. It is an ANCIENT civilization!
yes it was an civilization
the Minoan Civilization
i thinks Olmec civilization is earliest civilization
Which civilization contributed the most to the development of Greek civilization? Mycenaean
Potty is very important!
which civilization??because civilization according to me hasn't ended yet
why the civilization disappeared
satellite civilization
Civilization IV