The first stage of becoming a Knight was to serve a Lord as a page for seven years from the age of 7, learning a host of basic skills.
The first step to becoming a knight was to spend about seven years as a page, a young apprentice in the service of a knight who trained him. The page was usually seven to fourteen years old. After being a page, the apprentice graduated to a higher level, and spent seven years as a squire.
There was nothing baring knights from becoming lords. A knight could become a lord if the opportunity came. A lord could also become a knight, but passing through the standard procedures to do that.
A squire is a job that the knights in medeivl times had to do befor becoming a knight
Richard Gere played Lancelot in First Knight, where Sean Connery was King Arthur. Christopher Lambert played Connor MacLeod in Highlander where Sean Connery was also a knight.
The basic stages are: Nomination Vetting Acceptance by the vetting committee Order of chivalry decided Acceptance by the nominee Investiture by the monarch or the monarchs representative.
1st-Becoming a page 2nd- A squire who helps out a knight 3rd- A knight
first boyhood then page then squire then knight
what did a knight learn as a page
the first stage was a page then a squire and lastly a knight
The first step to becoming a knight was to spend about seven years as a page, a young apprentice in the service of a knight who trained him. The page was usually seven to fourteen years old. After being a page, the apprentice graduated to a higher level, and spent seven years as a squire.
Page- squire- knight
Page- squire- knight
becoming a Squire
the pagethe squirethe knight
The first step to becoming a knight was to spend about seven years as a page, a young apprentice.
The first step to becoming a knight was to spend about seven years as a page, a young apprentice.